A review by kaje_harper
The General and the Elephant Clock of Al-Jazari by Sarah Black


I love older MCs and established, growing relationships, and I got both of those with one of my favorite couples, in this sequel to [b:The General and the Horse-Lord|17561299|The General and the Horse-Lord|Sarah Black|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1365277360s/17561299.jpg|24491979]. Gabriel and John are together, but their families are still in transition. Gabriel's kids and ex-wife are still absorbing both the day-to-day effects of him no longer living at home, and the long-term implications of his betrayal of his marriage for a love he could not deny with John. John's adopted nephew Kim, along with the other young men he collects under his wing, are figuring out what they want from life, and recovering from the stresses of the previous book's events. And the cover of OUT magazine, with John and Gabriel prominently on it, releases, with a ripple effect.

And John is bored. He loves having Gabriel in his life and home and bed. But he's not challenged enough.

Having left his teaching position on a matter of principle, he's finding that writing and scholarship aren't satisfying for a man used to being in the thick of the action. The terror he feels turning Kim loose in a furniture store with his credit card doesn't quite match the adrenaline-rush of active duty. So when he's asked to go over to Tunisia, and use his negotiating skills to get a couple of young former Rangers out of detention, he's eager for meaningful work and accepts (despite an antipathy for the man he takes the job from.)

The resulting adventures in Tunisia are exciting, sometimes emotional, with moments of humor (especially surrounding Kim, who shows up, and who shines brightly.) I loved that it is more about strategy, psychology, and thinking outside the box, than about guns and violence. I adore the secondary characters in this, especially Kim, and Eli, one of the rescued ex-Rangers, who is damaged and trying valiantly to salvage something lovely and worthwhile out of disaster. (And I'm delighted that Sarah Black has promised his story will continue along with the other MCs in the next book.)

I really enjoy Sarah Black's writing style, her realistic feel, and her ex-military characters with their intense loyalties and world-view. Highly recommended, and I can't wait for the next one. (Since I bought this the day it released, I unfortunately will have to. Best wishes to the author for speedy writing.)