A review by hannas_heas47
Her Dragon To Slay by Julia Mills


Thanks Wicked Reads for a free read in exchange for a review.
I thought this book did well with staying with the genre, shape shifting dragons is not a real big genre, but the book was well written. The cover was eye catching, even though I did not like the title much. The character development was what really made the big stray from a five star rating. If you don't advertise insecurities in a book.... Meeting and falling in love too quickly, or body insecurities....I feel the book is a lot better. A book doesn't have insecurities so when the author advertises them, to me it makes the book feel like you can't lose your self in the story. I love the language in the book, I was real familiar with some of the Gaelic terms and it made the book feel more familiar. Love to see dragon shifting books can't wait for the next one. Overall entertainment value ....four stars