A review by lisa01
Damaged by Jeanne St. James


I really wanted to like this more than I did. It seems to be the beginning of a great story. So much could happen and go wrong. Sadly the majority of this book was sex. Some is good so we can get the feel for the emotions of the character but too much just ruins it and takes away from the main story. Which was great by the way. Colby has a great job with an abusive past. He is an undercover FBI agent coming home to rest up after getting shot. Funnily the two are at the same house..he owns it. She is renting from his sister. So their first meeting was crazy as she thought he was an intruder. Each has a shady past that can rear its ugly head at any time.
I did listen to this On audio and BB Franklin did a nice job narrating. This is my first book by this author.