A review by bxermom
The False Friend by Myla Goldberg


I was a little put off by this author's writing style at first but something kept me reading.
I think we've all been part of a little 'clique' whether it be the popular kids, the jocks, the nerds or whatever. We've all been bullied, witnessed bullying or have been the bully. Don't you ever wonder where you're school age friends ended up or if you impacted their life in a good or bad way? Goldberg takes us through the journey of self-discovery using the character of Celia. A terrible childhood event remembered one way but possibly happening another. We travel with Celia as she contacts her old 'clique' and discovers, according to them, what kind of friend she really was...something we'd all like to do at some point in our life.
I enjoyed the book very much even though it wasn't something I would have picked on my own.