A review by seffra
Night Pleasures by Sherrilyn Kenyon


3 stars

Wow....this book was great. I had only picked it up because I wanted to start the Dream Hunter series and I wanted to get some background knowledge on the world I was entering. I didn't expect to fall in love with everyone!

Kyrian was such a broken guy much need in love and he got it in spades from the wonderful Amanda. They were cute! I just, I can't form coherent thoughts about how damn cute they were. The writing was good and the side characters were awesome.

I'm so intrigued by Acheron because it seemed like he had a tough past and I love my tortured hero...but why the heck is his book like the 8th??????

The only reason this book isn't getting higher stars because it started with some serious insta-lust and I hate insta-anything and it still didn't really work even with them being soulmates.