A review by markalkman
The Dark Between Stars by Atticus


I didn't love this one as much as his first book, hence the four stars instead of five, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Atticus has a brilliant way with words and the beauty of his poetry is simplicity. That doesn't mean all his poems are easy or insignificant, it's actually the opposite of that. Sometimes you don't need lots of posh or difficult words, you don't need complicated sentences. Sometimes the simplicity of it all speaks for itself and that's what makes it so enjoyable. You can recognize yourself in his poems (well, in some of them probably) and you can give them your own meaning. Everyone has their own experiences in life, and sometimes a specific combination of words can mean something entirely different to the person sitting next to you. I am glad I bought this book as well and I'll definitely be looking forward to his third book, which I'm sure will be released at some point in the near future.