A review by librarymaus
The Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams


This book was wonderful. It made me smile, laugh, and shockingly cry out in rage at certain things that happen.. (Can't say much on That, but lets just say a Certain "Lord" has something coming to him for what he's done..) This book I will say is very Tolkienesque in the beginning (which I Love), but seems to find it's own voice later on. Now I will say this, the book Does have some predictable tropes thrown in that some might not like. But In my opinion, they didn't break the book (for me at least.) Now the One Warning I shall Give is This, This is Not a Quick Read! Kind of obvious I know, but I'm Warning you all nevertheless. (IT'S THICC, and that's with Two C's.) But it's a great book, with amazing characters (my favorite Is defiantly Count Eolair. Side character in the book, but not in my heart.) Interesting world and creatures, and the story itself is simply really good.