A review by beaisabel
Jungle Jack: My Wild Life by Amy Parker, Jack Hanna


I was at a local garage sale, when I came upon this book. It was in great condition, almost new, in fact, and was priced at a bargain of 50ยข. Normally, I wouldn't have bought a book like this. Though I find autobiographies/biographies interesting, it really depends on who it's about and how I'm feeling on the day. I put it back in the pile before coming back five minutes later and purchasing it.

I'm actually a ZooAide (teen volunteer) at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, and I've been volunteering there for the past two summers. (I've actually accumulated over 200 hours volunteering! Sorry for the humble brag, but I just had to mention it.) I love going to the zoo every week; I find that the meal discounts, the friends I've made, and how great it looks on college applications are only perks to the oppurtunity of learning more about animals. Volunteering there is an amazing experience, and I do my best to better myself every day. Basically, I picked this up in order to learn more about the zoo I love so much.

I thought [b:Jungle Jack: My Wild Life|4703259|Jungle Jack My Wild Life|Jack Hanna|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1437529595s/4703259.jpg|4767587] was an enjoyable, informative read, perfect for anyone interested in learning about the man who made the Columbus Zoo all it came to be. If you live in Ohio or have been to the zoos few times, I would highly recommend this book. But if you don't have any interest in Hanna, the zoo, or animals in general, for at least 60% of this book you'd be more than mildly bored.

The only time I was a bit dissatisfied was during the tail end, as when Hanna spoke of Rwanda, Montana, and his family, I became a bit bored. This isn't his fault at all (I have a horrible attention span for nonfiction), and when I forced myself to concentrate I really enjoyed those chapters as well.

This book also brought to my attention how much the zoo does for conservation. Even though I volunteer there, I hadn't been fully aware of how much time/effort/money goes to such worthy causes.

All in all, a great read. Thanks, Jungle Jack!!