A review by ctorretta
The Money Pit by Renee George


I am so glad I read book one, Pit Perfect, prior to this one. They maybe could be read separately, but I would not recommend it. Too much happens in both books to skip the first. Renee does do a good job of explaining some of book one during certain situations, but does not go so far as to drag the plot for The Money Pit down.

The Money Pit is exactly like you imagined from the movie. Insert everything going wrong in Lily's life and you get a scene something like where Tom Hanks just losing his ever loving mind because he can no longer deal with reality.

Fortunately, it's not quite that bad, although Smooshie, her Pit Bull, does find a mummified corpse in the wall, which could be construed as pretty awful! Lily is as stubborn as ever as she hears about curses and ghost stories and finds weird stuff happening all over her land. It's just enough to put on her sleuthing hat and go for a run!

Parker is as cute as ever in this, of course. There are some ups and downs with these two but overall, I like how their relationship is progressing. It's not all in your face, and it's not all that the book is about either. Lily has multiple relationships that she's working on, making it a book that is as real to life as possible when it involves a shape-shifting wear-cougar!

The plot for this one was just as good as the first. Lily does do things that puts her into peril, more often than not, but unfortunately, sometimes she is just breathing and gets in the way of a murder! Bad luck surrounds her, which makes the plots even more interesting.

I read this beauty in one day! Loved every word! Now to find out when the next one publishes. I need more Smooshie and Lily!

Received from publisher in exchange for an honest review.