A review by kkirkhoff
Making Things See: 3D Vision with Kinect, Processing, Arduino, and Makerbot by Greg Borenstein


This was a really good book in that it was very easy to install a few libraries and an SDK and take off running...or posing. The author (Greg Borenstein) made it very easy to read and understand. He used OpenNI, SimpleOpenNI, and a language called Processing to very quickly and easily begin interfacing with a Kinect. I did this on my Macintosh, so I had to use an Xbox Kinect instead of a Windows Kinect.

Each chapter either built on the previous one or one from several chapters back. It explained through examples how the Kinect worked, how to use the depth (3D) data to interact with objects in space, cloud points, vector and point mapping, and high-level gesture recognition. While all the chapters were not applicable (5 and 6) to what I need to use the Kinect for right now, the ones that I did read (1-4) gave me a good basis to take what he did and begin to put together a good demonstration project.

I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to explore gesture recognition as a new and interesting alternative to the mouse.