A review by violetamethyst
In Flight by R.K. Lilley

A frustratingly boring read.

This one just isn't floating my boat and i just couldn't make myself finish it. I've never found flight attendants to be very interesting. They seem like glorified waitresses to me so having to read about Bianca's job in such detail was more than a little annoying.

I only finished chapter 17 so I haven't gotten into the childhood drama yet and honestly I'm not really interested in finding out. Bianca is just so boring.

James Cavendish. Everyone has mentioned how terrible his lines are. And they really are. They're either bland or extremely vulgar.

The sex scenes so far have been awful. The way he took her virginity was a total turn off for me. And then watching her lay in her own blood ...CREEPY!!

Stephan is a great character though and the friendship between him and Bianca is sweet. Unfortunately its not enough to make me keep reading.

Finally, the actual writing of the story isn't that great. Its not bad. But the pacing is off. Bianca starts off as a virgin who is quite adamant about not dating or getting close, physically and emotionally to anyone. Yet she changes her mind quite quickly after James makes his proposition. They have sex within days. (Or was it hours, I can't tell because of the all the damned flying and time difference!) And right after -during actually- she starts getting emotionally attached, even though she supposedly just wanted casual sex. Then she gets all distant and withdrawn. Then they have sex again. And all is awkwardly okay once more.