A review by tobyyy
Sidney Chambers and the Perils of the Night by James Runcie


I found that was more of a hit-or-miss volume than the first book in the series was. There were some good stories in it — I loved the final story about West Germany & espionage — but there were also some duds. Namely the one about cricket — the mystery was intriguing but there were FAR too many extraneous details about cricket (which is a sport I know nothing about, but also I don’t care much — or know much — about ANY sport). Details that really didn’t affect the actual emotional punch of the story.

But overall, not a bad read. It just took me awhile (like a month or a little more *facepalm*) to actually care enough to finish this one. TO BE FAIR though, I’ve been in a reading slump for much of this month, so that slow pace is not solely indicative of my feelings about this book.