A review by bobsvoid
Ten Thousand Words by Kelli Jean


The main issue I had with this is the slurs the Hero used. He called the heroine's best friend a fairy on multiple occassions. That's not fucking okay. And then the heroine's grandma was making jokes that were borderline homophobic, even if she wasn't intentionally being nasty. It's not funny, especially to do that to a stranger. I think when you're friends with someone you know they're limits, but you don't call gay men fairies or refer to them as pound cake.

I've been wanting to read this book for over a year. The synopsis was promising and so were the first few chapters. But dear God, it only got worse.

28% in and I was over it. Around that point I realized that while the write was decent, the plot and characters were average at best. Four days and suddenly they're in love? On rare occasions I'll enjoy a book that has insta-love. BUT, it has to be written delicately because I refuse to believe you can fall in love that quick. Loving someone happens when you develop a connection. To truly love someone you need to know them, and these characters didn't.

There were just other bad aspects of this story. Other than the slurs, insta-love, there were random facts thrown into the story. I think it was around 75% in and suddenly we find out the heroine isn't just an author, but part of an unnamed organization too.

I just want to say that I'm not a sensitive Sally or a huge nitpicker. But this was just plain horrible and I regret wasting hours reading this mess. I actually feel horrible because I know authors put in a lot of work, but seriously. This was just unbearable.