A review by jenbsbooks
Watched by Cindy M. Hogan


2.5 stars ... it was okay. There were a few things that simply drove me cRazy as I read this book!

I'm a little more into the supernatural/fantasy/sciencefiction/dystopian stuff. When it's already so "out there" I think I'm much more willing to suspend my disbelief. But when it's "realistic fiction" ... I'm much more skeptical of these things actually happening. The kids just happen to witness a murder? The perpetrators know who they are to stalk them, the FBI involvement ... things that make you go "hmmmmm"

Those things that drove me crazy? The main character crushing on the boys. She was such a flake! She likes one, then the other and she TINGLES when they approach. I swear, if I had to read "tingles" or blood racing, or insides a buzz ... she's so down on herself at times (I can't believe any boy would like me, much less TWO of the greatest guys who now do) and then so full of herself other times (my delivery was flawless, why did I have to be such a great speaker? I just help myself from being so smart!) She seemed a little obsessed with food too.

There were several religious references ... she's a good church going girl, humming a song she learned in church to herself, saying a prayer, completely stressing out about taking a drink of alcohol, listening to "that voice inside" ... it was all a little familiar so I double checked. Yes, the author is LDS.

It was free at least :)