A review by michellef
Hope is Born: A Mosaic Christmas Anthology by Janice L. Dick, Regina Rudd Merrick, Johnnie Alexander, Eleanor Bertin, Stacy Monson, Sara Davison, Deb Elkink, Angela D. Meyer, Brenda S. Anderson


Hope is Born: A Mosaic Christmas Anthology is the fifth book in The Mosaic Collection. There are nine authors participating in this anthology.

Mountaintop Christmas (Stacy Monson) is the first short story in this anthology. Mikayla Gordon and Dawson Dunne would be husband and wife within a few days. One problem, with the snow at high alert would their friends and family be there to celebrate the big day?

Like Wool (Eleanor Bertin) is a very short, but good, contemporary story of a prodigal.

Ever Greening (Deb Elkink) The setting is Brinyton, Nevada at Christmas. It’s a story of forgiveness and grace.

A Beautiful Christ-Mess (Brenda S. Anderson) The setting is present-day Christmas. Zachary Belden is determined to follow through on what he thinks God wants from him. This story will bring tears, the reader will need tissues.

The Christmas Sweater (Janice L. Dick) The setting is Moffat’s Landing. The messy Debbie McCormick lives next to the immaculate Jeanne, could they pursue a friendship? This was a fun little story to read.

Taste of Heaven (Sara Davison) The sadness of losing a child. The blessing of a child. This is one of the best stories I’ve read in a while. I was in tears with this one, too.

The Jukebox Cafe (Angela D. Meyer) This was a story on friendship and a Jukebox Cafe. I learned about octogenarian twins.

The Caretaker’s Christmas (Johnnie Alexander) A Christmas tale told in first-person. This story reminded me of my mom who is heaven along with Mark Christopher’s mom and dad. A wonderful tale indeed.

Reno-Vating Christmas (Regina Rudd Merrick) In many ways this story reminded me of my dad. The setting is small-town Clementville, Kentucky. It’s a story about health issues, singleness after the loss of a loved one, and challenges of being a single parent.

I am thankful for a chance to read and review this anthology. I met new friends whom I will miss until we meet again.

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