A review by reeyabeegale
Hard Fall by Sara Ney


I'm sad because I was unable to connect with this book. Apart from the fun banter and conversations between Trace and the Wallace family, I didn't care much about anything else. Especially, Hollis. I don't like her as a main character, and I found myself rolling my eyes with a lot of her chapters.

I also didn't like the insta-love in this book. From time to time, I don't mind insta-love, but there are moments like this that I just can't get behind it.

I don't think that my dislike of the book has to do with the story/writing but more with my preference. This did not read as an adult romance, it felt more NA. So I probably just outgrew Sara Ney or this series. I've enjoyed a lot of Ney's books but there's just something off about this book.

I remember enjoying the first book in the series, but given my experience with Hard Fall, I might have to reread that book to see if I would still feel the same way.

I wish other people would enjoy this book more than I did.