A review by jgrendahl
So Into You by S.E. Harmon


This one was a bit of a disappointment for me, especially because I liked the first one so much. It felt like there were a lot of contradictions in this book, for example, when
SpoilerNoah kept saying that he didn't do relationships, and when he and Sean were talking and Sean was saying that they "weren't relationship kind of guys." Noah had been married before and had just gotten out of a two-year relationship with Marshall. That's not a "not a relationship" kind of guy. And he *kept* reiterating it at the end. Sure, his first marriage didn't work out, but they were still friends/family. They still loved each other, they just weren't "in love" with each other. And Marshall? I could see Noah not wanting to begin another relationship right away because he'd been burned recently, but to jump straight to an "I'm not a relationship kind of guy?" That didn't work for me.

It also seemed like there was not enough of a build up for their romance. Which is funny because the book kind of dragged for me. Sadly, that was because there was a lot of time building up the *other* relationships in their lives. That's great that they have such wonderful friends/families around them
Spoiler(or in some cases not so great families),
but the book spent more time detailing them, and less time on the main couple, which was the whole reason I was reading the book.

It was also disappointing that so much time was spent building up the
SpoilerJ.D. arc, only for it to go nowhere. Well, I guess it served as the impetus for Noah to come back, but it just didn't work for me. Noah knew that he was in love with Drew, once he figured it out he shouldn't have needed an excuse to get on the plane to be with him.

I'm not sure if I just wasn't in the right headspace for this book or not, but for some reason, it just didn't work for me. :(