A review by biolexicon
Four Major Plays: A Doll's House / Ghosts / Hedda Gabler / The Master Builder by Henrik Ibsen


Ugh. Maybe this review is going to be less about Ibsen and more about me. But oh well. There's a certain naivete and simplicity that runs throughout this book that just turns me off. Maybe that's indicative of this historical time, it's less connected and people knew less about the world around them. I've just been reading a bunch of historical plays and that's a feeling that I'm stuck with and I can't relate to it at all.
Also, about halfway through I'm thinking to myself "I'm not enjoying this" but trying to push through so I can understand it and why it's so important to the literary canon. But, after thinking it through, I don't think it's right for me to finish. I tend to read classics and some of them are far less interesting than the criticism and meta writing done about them. The actual classic itself is a bore.
So, after a while, I was just like, if I'm so interested and motivated by the literary canon maybe I should just go read some criticism and drop the original text.
So that's what I’m doing. It could completely be a misguided step but it's honest, in my quest as an intellectual and a reader that's all I can demand of myself.