A review by mehsi
A Cat with No Name: A Story about Sadness by Kochka


I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

After loving Together Again by this author I just wanted to also read this one. I was hoping it would just be as good as Together Again!

A little girl is having her own breakfast when a little kitty appears at her window, she takes her in and has a great time that warmed my heart! But I was also shielding my heart because I knew that this kitty would have an owner. Someone who was looking for her. I knew that this would probably end up in tears when the kitty was found. Because while the girl was told about that being a possibility she probably forgot about it or with kitty staying with her so long thought she could keep her. I was hoping that her parents would be able to cheer her up or at least be there for her when that moment would happen.

One thing I would have liked to see is that the parents and the girl went around the neighbourhood to ask about the kitty, or post found posters so that the owner would know where to look. Now it just felt like they weren’t doing anything and that just didn’t sit right with me. If I lost a pet I would love to know if someone has found her or him. I would love to know she/he is safe.

Since this is a children’s book, I do wish that things like giving milk to a kitten (or a cat) wouldn’t be done. Milk is not good for cats. It is bad for them even. You don’t want to give kids the wrong impression, kids may think it is a good thing to give kitties milk.

The illustrations for this one are done by another artist than the Together Again book, but I have to say the style was just so cute and fun! I am glad that I found two more illustrators to keep an eye on to see if they make more.

All in all, I did enjoy this story and found it adorable. But the fact the parents/kid did nothing to help the owner find the cat + that in 2021 people still let people think that kitties can drink milk just didn’t sit well with me and thus I am lowering my rate.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/