A review by alisonj1410
The Corey Effect by Casey Dembowski


I wasn’t sure of this book at first because the title didn’t sound super interesting. But wow this book was a work of art.

The writing was incredible and made it easy to connect with Andi and all that she went through. I loved the flashback chapters that slowly helped us to understand what happened 9 years before the present day story. I wasn’t sure if Cory at first because he knew what Andi went through with her dad in the past and still had a good relationship with him in the present day. But those flashback chapters and the letters really helped to understand his thoughts as well.

As someone who comes from a broken home and experienced some of the stuff Andi went through, I loved getting to read this book. There aren’t many books out there like this that I could relate to completely. I wish this was a book that I could’ve read years ago when I was in high school thinking that I was alone in the world.

I will definitely be buying a physical copy once the book is released!