A review by kaloughl
Mind the Gap, Dash & Lily by Rachel Cohn, David Levithan


Sigh. These books are fun but that is about it. While I am thrilled that the Netflix show may have a third season in London, I found Dash & Lily's overall character arcs to be minimal and lacking over the course of these three novels. Lily was particularly annoying with her indecision about going to Barnard or pursuing her dogpreneur or dog training businesses (and her reaction to Dash's reaction to her surprising him in London). Dash was a little bit more believable with his existential crisis leading him to pull away from NY and Lily and question all his childhood dreams of attending Oxford. The entire book I kept dreaming of how the show will improve this lukewarm novel to something more palatable. I can just picture the gorgeous London scenery in the Christmas spirit. Next to NY, the city where I lived until just recently (#pandemic), London is my absolute favorite holiday city so this book seemed a logical next step in Cohn and Levithan's trio of holiday centered YA stories.

Now, to that plot. The nepotism throughout this book is vast and had me rolling my eyes. Also, I still cannot fathom how much money Lily makes from her dog businesses so a stay at Claridge's (though poked at in the novel) still seems utterly ridiculous. However, I am intrigued by this addition of Azra to the friendship circle and though this novel does not do her justice (similar to all the sideline characters in the previous two), I hope the TV show improves that should it reach season 3 (same with Gem... her spirit was definitely more pronounced but again, I really look forward to what she *could* be).

Overall, it was fine. If you read the other two, worth picking up because it goes by fast and does make you smile occasionally.