A review by curiosityboughtthebook
Diabolica Americana by Keith Anthony Baird


Also reviewed on www.curiosityboughtthebook.com

A 4 skull read

An anthology packed with talent and spooky horror stories taking place right here in the U.S. of A? Sign me up! Diabolica Americana has something for everyone. I found some authors that I already loved within these pages, but also some I’ve never encountered before.

As always, let me tell you about some of my favorite stories.

“Regrets Never Die” by Rhonda J. Joseph, is the story of a woman who is literally haunted by her past. I could sense the heartbreak and pain in this story, and the end left me shocked and teary-eyed.

“The Iron Coffin” by Laurel Hightower. A short story that shows us that some things are better left buried.

“Down the Hill fell Jack and Jill” by Vivian R. Kasley. You think being stuck in the house with your loved ones every day during the pandemic is hard? Well, trust me, Jack and Jill had it worse. I loved this one.

Lastly, I’d like to mention “East” by Nick Moorefox. This story had such a dream-like quality to it, that I almost felt myself floating through the pages. Very well written.

Thank you to the editor for the early review copy. Make sure to pick up your copies on Halloween night!