A review by chocolatemeerkat
Dom on the Side by Kate Aaron


Right so I went into this with one expectation and got something completely different. I loved parts of this book mainly the chocolate after Ryans sub drop and Gaz, Liam, and Jim's relationship. I want a book about them so bad it hurts. Overall while I loved and greatly enjoyed parts it is a fantastic well written book but it left me frustrated.

I had gone in thinking Jim who I loved him dearly would teach Ryan the ways of kink for a little while and Sameer would come in much sooner than he did. I really wanted a scene even a beginner one with Ryan and Sameer. Its one of those time where yes slow build is awesome but slow build was not agreeing with me. This time it made me growl, and almost start skimming scenes which was bad because the kink is really well done in this book. This is an amazing kink discovery story for Ryan with how he figures out and explores his submissive tendencies

I just really wanted more of Sameer but we didn't see him really until 75% through and this is a long book. Because I kept waiting for Sameer the scenes with Jim and Ryan while hot ended up frustrating me. Then there is Owen, I like grown up author Owen of the previous two books, younger Owen not so much though he is endearing. I spent most of the time wishing for puppy play scenes with Gaz because that one scene in the club with Gaz stole my heart and nothing can fill this hole but him. I am really excited for book two because its more of Sameer who also has my heart along with Gaz.