A review by lilyelement
Fury by Rachel Vincent


Fury is book 3 in the Menagerie series. This is the final book in the series and I was eager to see how it all wrapped up. If you're not familiar with the series or aren't caught up with the 2 previous books know that I enjoyed it but did have a few issues with some things in this installment. The series overall was a great read for me and I'd recommend it. That being said stop reading here if you're not caught up.

So this being the last book in the series we now have Delilah Marlow, our leading lady and the group that escaped with her hiding out. Everyone is looking for her and the search seems to be getting tighter and tighter as the days progress. Delilah is quite noticeable with her being pregnant so everyone is on edge with how things are going to play out. The goal is to rescue 2 of their missing members that got captured while not getting caught themselves. This book is a bit different from the prior two, we're changing time lines every now and then to show what happened in 1986 during The Reaping. It ties into their current day situation in a way I didn't expect. We also got some details on our leading lady that always had me curious.

Fury is a nice wrap up to a series I enjoyed. I had a few issues while reading but nothing I couldn't get past. There is no holds barred this time around since a few characters wind up dead. The ending wasn't my favorite to say the least but I can see why it ended that way but it made me a bit grumbly. I'm glad there was an epilogue since that had me happy. All in all, this series is dark but such a good read.