A review by katetheardent
Firewalker, by Josephine Angelini


I want to give this book one star simply because of the ending, maybe it's because I just finished it 5 minutes ago so the wound is fresh. Don't get me wrong I did enjoy the majority of the book but come the ending I was not pleased. Angelini completely took the coward's way out by killing off Lily's Tristan and not allowing Lily to explore her possible feelings for him (he was one of my favorite characters too:( ). Fingers crossed that in the third, yet to be published, book we find out he lived. Speaking of the end does anyone else feel like she's starting to just wrap things up neatly with a little pretty bow, I get it, it's supposed to be another trendy trilogy series making the next book the last book, but come on: Tristan dies = Lily & Rowan will get back together without the trouble of a love triangle AND then not only are the woven part human (which I originally thought to be an interesting smart play on Angelini's part) but then the terrifying murderous hive actually turn out to be friendly little chauffeurs taking them all the way too California la de da de da... The End. ?!!!!!!!?!!??!?!!!!??!?!
What's next a Queen Woven (*cough*Fairy Queen vibe anyone?*cough*cough) who graciously helps all travelers to their final destination of Sunny California, who agrees to help Lily solve the woven vs. man problem, then Lily goes back to the East Coast shares her new knowledge gifted to her by the Fairy Queen, I mean Hive Queen, and the atomic bombs are dismantled and all live happily ever after, Yay!
I really hope the 3rd book is better than my current expectations of it... Fingers crossed...