A review by beanieberta
Court of Blood and Bindings by Lisette Marshall


The FMC Emelin is brash and emotional - but she is also very aware of it. at the beginning, she is prejudiced against Croen, and understandably so. but always before her brashness becomes too much, she reevaluates and isn't afraid to stand up to her mistakes. so this actually makes her a very relateable, interesting and symphatethic character for me. she is incredibly determined and quick-witted, and i love that about her. oftentimes when characters are described as smart, its just the words and not the actions. emelin is the first character in a long time who really impressed me. she analyzes the situations she finds herself in and reacts accordingly. even in situations completely against her favor, she surveys her options, strategizes, and formulates a plan. in a world with color magic, having grown up in a painter's house and starting an seamstressing apprenticeship prove to be quite the transferable skills. 
I also love Croen, the MMC. It's great to see how they start to communicate through sign language. Of course it's obvious for the reader that there is more to him than being a mindless, cruel killer. However, after a few chapters i really began to love him and his grumpy, silent ways.