A review by twiinklex
Eve and the Lost Ghost Family: A Graphic Novel by HUMPHREYS N J, Felix Cheong


A darkly comedic read that follows teenager Eve, who finds herself in the afterlife after getting killed in a car accident with her family. I'm a huge graphic novel fan but haven't read many that are told through poetry, so I really enjoyed the uniqueness of this book.

The writing is lyrical and packs a punch, while the striking illustrations and vivid colours made this an even richer read. I loved the primarily purple and blue tones of the book, which added to the spooky vibes.

Overall, Eve And The Lost Ghost Family is an intriguing story that explores life and mortality, with some surprising revelations at the end. It's morbid, humourous and a fun page-turner!

Thank you to the author for a signed copy of this book.