A review by freadomlibrary
Illusions by Aprilynne Pike


Plot - 4 out of 5 stars
Definitely enjoyed this one more. It was a lot more exciting. There was more magic, intrigue, twists and turns, some drama and a crazy cliffhanger that left me with my jaw open.

Writing Style - 3 out of 5 stars
Very simple and dry. It's engaging with the reader but it needs a lot more descriptions. I feel like I'm scrambling to figure out how things look like and how things are placed in the different settings. Not my favorite really.

Characters - 3.5 out of 5 stars
Overall, pretty much the entirety of the characters got on my nerves this time. I get it a bit, since the stakes are higher and tension is everywhere but I felt like everyone was in a bad mood throughout the book. Laurel was really annoying and dramatic. She was torn on quite a few things which made her insufferable since there were definitely other more important things to worry about. The boys were just as bad. The one I've liked the whole time got an attitude problem in this one. He was jealous and rude at times but at least the qualities I liked from him (bravery, loyalty, protectiveness, insight fulness) were showed in this one too. The other is rude, sneaky and in total denial. He doesn't respect personal boundaries which is the biggest complain I can make of him.

SpoilerThis series has a habit of being generally dull and boring and then saving itself with the last few chapters.

The plot of this one was definitely more exciting then the ones before. We have a huge mystery (who are Yuki and Klea), new characters, and new challenges (Tamani being a part of the human high school experience). That kept the plot more lively but it still had the same mundane, day to day things that are really boring to read. The drama felt unnecessary and stupid. There was so much more to focus on and Laurel would obsessively think about the differences between David and Tamani, how they interacted, how she interacted with either of them, who she wanted, yada yada yada. It was the worst part of this entire book.

Laurel and those feelings are getting really old. Thank God there was something else to focus on because if not, I probably would've chucked my iPod against the wall. There's who Yuki is and her type of flower, the problem with the trolls and how they disappear, her friends and keeping them safe. Important things that deserve her time and dedication to be able to work or improve or be solved. Unfortunately, she spent the majority of the time thinking about David and Tamani and who she should be with. The worst part is that it took away from what could've been great character development and personal growth. It just made her seem like a shallow girl trying to survive in a war.

I still love David and I still think he's the best choice for Laurel. He supports her and her life and who she is. He is pretty much there for her and anything she needs. Although in this one he has some jealously issues that definitely get out of hand, but they are totally warranted! It's not like he's imagining that Tamani wants to steal his girlfriend. It's a thing, everyone knows it! Maybe it was pushed too far which did bother me, but I think Laurel definitely overreacted in breaking up with him since she knew the tension that was between them.

Speaking of Tamani, he annoys the crap out of me. I don't care how cute and charming he acts, guys who don't respect boundaries, specially relationship boundaries are not okay in my book. It's not okay to state that you want to steal someone's girlfriend, it's not okay to kiss her in front of said boyfriend. None of that is cool. A good guy probably doesn't hide his feelings but he also doesn't disrespect the choices she makes because they make her happy.

THAT CLIFFHANGER THOUGH! I swear, every time I get to the end of one of these books I know some real shit is going to go down and I was right this time! Yuki is a fucking Winter faerie!! Like, the fuck?! I'm freaking out about how she was even created in the first place. And what she wants to do and so on and so forth. Next book is going to be intense.