A review by paradoxically
The Studying Hours by Sara Ney


I'm sorry, am I supposed to like the guy? The guy whose every other word seems to be trying to get into Jameson's pants? The guy that we spend like 80% of the headspace in (mostly because I think the author was afraid he wouldn't be likable if we couldn't get into his pov. You know, if we judged by his actions alone) that hangs out with asshole friends and is basically an asshole himself? That guy?

Yeah, no.

I vaguely liked Jameson because I thought she was funny and had a backbone, but gooood forbid that she couldn't be like the other girls and had to dress conservative (apparently cardigans all look the same and dowdy). You also learn so little of her other than apparently she's more exciting than she looks (here I sort of squint) and that she does snowboarding. I'm still waiting to see how she's more exciting than how she looks. Is it the non-virgin status because... still not... exciting...

And okay, let me say it, because I can't NOT say it. Wrestling is not very sexy to me. Do you see those unitards wrestlers wear? Apparently Jameson is all for it, but I can't. I can't think of them as sexy. They're just. Just. Unitards.

Okay, some positives, the writing isn't bad and is mostly entertaining. I just question the characterization and sort of yawn every other time Sebastian focuses on sex because apparently he can't think of anything else. Which is hilarious that apparently he has much better grades than Jameson because I don't know how he focuses on anything but sex. I did, however, appreciate that Jameson wasn't that smart, but tried her hardest at studying.

Though cliche dream sequences...

Anyway! 1.5 stars, rounding up to 2.