A review by rennegade
How to Fake it in Hollywood by Ava Wilder


I did not like this one quite as much as [b:Will They or Won't They|62562854|Will They or Won't They|Ava Wilder|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1668733837l/62562854._SY75_.jpg|98318145], but it was still enjoyable for me. I definitely enjoy these romances set in Hollywood amongst the famous. Throw in a fun trope (enemies-to-lovers, fake dating, etc.), and it is pretty much a winner.

This book started to lose me in the last third or so. I appreciate that it was an authentic look into the life of an addict, but watching Ethan spiral and Grey just sort of deal with it was frustrating. I am glad things ended the way they did, and I enjoyed all of the characters.

Overall, both of this author's books were winners for me, so they are probably going on my list of "will read anything by" authors.