A review by markthulhu
The Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye, Volume 1 by James Roberts


Well, that was fun!* And slightly confusing, given that I've had nothing to do with Transformers since owning a very small collection of toys back in the 80s and early 90s**. Still, I held on tight, enjoyed the ride and came out on the other side wanting more. And more I shall have!

I'm sure there's far more here to enjoy for longtime fans but newcomers should be assured that it is well worth the effort to put your trust in the writers and just jump straight in. The characterisation of the different Transformers is rich enough that backstory and continuity aren't really necessary to sink your teeth into the here-and-now of the story.

I never thought that comics based on licensed properties could be this good. Shame on me! Good comics are good comics, and this comic was damn good.

*Fun enough for me to write a review, which I've never bothered with before!
**I did however have a whole mess of Mighty Machine Men. 80s nostalgia only works if your childhood self happened to fall on what would eventually become the cool side of pop culture.