A review by jame13
Cop Out by K.C. Burn


This book was interesting. I liked a lot of aspects of it, but others definitely weren’t my thing.

Some things I liked were the cop aspect and the side characters. The cop part of the plot was definitely well developed and an important part of the story, which I appreciated. It felt like being a cop was an important part of Kurt’s identity. The side characters were really well developed also, and they were my favorite part of the book. They all had backstories and were different. They weren’t cardboard cutouts, which was amazing.

Some things I didn’t like were the sex and how Davy and Kurt broke up. I felt like the sex was bland and dry, and it only occurred 2 times. You could feel the chemistry though the page between Kurt and Davy, and it really bummed me out that they really had no physical relationship in the book. I also hated how they broke up. What was that? It was just so stupid, and when they got back together, Davy and Kurt forgave each other so easily. I guess it just seemed pointless and dumb.

This book was really good. It is definitely a great book for those interested in cop books that have an interesting and multidimensional plot line. I definitely recommend, especially for new mm readers.