A review by geo_ix
Hunger by Michael Grant


3.5 stars

Amazon puts the kindle page count at 613 pages. And that’s a hell of a fucking lot. My main reason for not having a higher rating, and dreading reading this series, even though the plot is super good is in fact that it’s so. Fucking. Long.

It pains me to read these, only for their length. Characters? Love them. Story progression? Would go better if it wasn’t so long. All the events that happen are super good and the story is fun and serious and all those things you want. But it’s so long, you begin to feel like you’ll never finish reading!

Minus the length, this story ends up being about the first thing that happens when shit hits the fan and there’s no laws and government and people working their ass off to live. People grow hungry. And of course, before anyone tries to get their grubby little hands on human flesh, they go for the pets. Dogs, cats, even rats and birds. And I totally understand that. I mean, if you’re hungry, you’re hungry and your body will tell you to do things it normally wouldn’t. What I don’t get, is that even at 14-15, or even with Astrid’s mega-brains, they couldn’t think like this: Oh hey, mum and dad used to work and make money. Money that paid for fresh foods like fish, chicken and vegies. Fresh food the stores got from farms and the sea, or hunters from the forest nearby. No one thought of this until way into the book, and people actually hated him for it. Calling him out for trying to make a profit on life. They couldn’t seem to find a way to make any kid go out to a farm and pick melons. Hello! Did your parents go to work for no money? HELL NO! They worked their ass off in order to get the money that paid for the food! Albert didn’t even need to make the money. Food can be money people! You pick it, you eat it. You help cook, you help eat. You know? Yet no one used their brains, and people took months to even realise, and by then, people were starving.

Sam should have been doing what Albert did. He should have been in the library studying economy and working and stuff. But he used everyone’s problems as an excuse to feel sorry for himself! Hello, if they’re stupid problems, ignore them! Do they really think that the government listens to every single thing people want in their lives? No! They barely listen. What they really needed, was a group of people in charge and not just one person. Things would have been simple, votes made, and then Sam wouldn’t have been in the state he was in by the end of this book.

This book is actually quite sad, and I started to feel sorry or Caine of all people. I feel maybe Caine and Sam will come together, not as friends, because I think the time for that is way gone, but allies.

The only other problem with this book is the fact there is a billion point of views. I also swear I remember a brother and sister who were farmers in the last book, who weren’t in this book. But, no one zaps out in this, they may or may not defeat the darkness, my guess is not from the very ending of the book. And we see a more adult version of Little Pete. I don’t know why, but when Orsay saw in his dreams, I imagined him to have a personality of an adult. Which is probably my crazy brain making shit up, but we all know he’s not at all what he seems and we find he’s keeping the darkness in control, and we also find that all of the bad things that happen, the darkness learns from Little Pete.

So, after all the crazy shit that happened in this book, I will continue the series. That doesn’t mean now, because I absolutely cannot put myself through that type of length over and over. But I will, eventually read on, because I’m dying to find out if the parents come back, who stays and who goes, if Quinn falls in love – because he’s so hard on himself – and of course, what exactly is fucking going on! I know, we get clues, aliens and Little Pete saving people so far, but that’s not a clear cut explanation.