A review by bookbragger
City of the Plague God by Sarwat Chadda


City of the Plague God is a roller coaster of a read with lots of emotional moments as well as heart felt ones. 13-year-old Sikander helps run his parents’ deli after school and on weekends. Ever since his brother Mo died in a motorbike accident he’s been grieving from his loss. One night whilst locking up Sik hears a noise and goes to investigate, soon he finds himself face to face with Sidana and Idiptu who claim to be demons from Kurnugi and are intent on finding a treasure their boss claims Sik’s brother Mo stole on a trip to Iraq. Sik has no idea what they’re talking about and refuses to give them any treasure whatsoever, all this results in Nergal releasing a mysterious plague upon Manhattan that causes everyone including Sik’s parents to fall ill, now Sik must find a way to stop this treacherous plague from turning its inhabitants into zombies. Before long Sik teams up with Belet the adopted daughter of Ishtar and bad-ass ninja sidekick who offers to help Sik track down Nergal and bring the plague to a close. Fast paced book with lots or action this is a quick read with relatively short chapters.
City of the Plague God shows us there is “light at the end of the tunnel” and we too can get over this.
Sarwat Chadda has done a brilliant job of combining Mesopotamian mythology with the modern era, I have never read anything quite like this before. I will definitely be checking out his other books.