A review by cyranoreads
Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers, Vol. 1 by Stan Lee

I online-borrowed from the library and didn't read all 10 issues through, but it was fun to skip through and see the origins of the phenomenally-produced Marvel films, in all their 60's-era-youthfully-idealistic fantasy. Many parallels to the films, including: Captain America's awakening from suspended animation (they used that term) in ice, his grief over his friend Bucky, and his joining of the Avengers. The waywardness of the Hulk. Iron Man's transistor-based tech! Battles with Loki, Zemo, and others. And occasional battles with each other.

Trivia: Which character (who is featured in the Marvel cinematic universe too) came up with the name Avengers? You'll never guess. :) (Scroll down for answer.)

ANSWER: ***ɯʎԀ*ʇǝuɐſ***