A review by foreverbeautifulbooks
Paper Towns by John Green


Can I just say that I'm happy to be in a world where John Green is writing books. It is his writing style and his characterizations that just make me happy to be reading one of his books. Now. I'm writing this book totally doped up on pain killers so it might make totally no sense lol

But as a whole I enjoyed this story. I wasn't sure about alot of the characters, then Radar made a good point about each and every one of them, and why they like one another despite their short comings and it was a true testament to what friendship should really be. It's funny, because my daughter was going through and issue with a really good friend, and the girl put 'conditions' on their friendship. Being that she's only 10 years old I have to give her tools to totally end that friendship and I was proud that my daughter did. I believe that this girl would've destroyed my daughter's self esteem while her parents just sat back and laughed and claimed the girl didn't know what she was doing, while talking about how mature and clever she was with manipulating them.

This story showed true friendship. That there isn't conditions, you are just there for one another, no matter what or how one another are acting. I can't wait for my daughter to be old enough to really read these and get these stories and show her there was nothing wrong with letting that friendship go. I can tell she's mourning it but she also, like I said, found new friends in the process that still enjoy the things she does. The whole journey for me was about just that, friendship, and life, and growing apart. Thank you John Green for another fantastic book.

*I read a copy of this book via Los Angeles County Library*