A review by iphigenie72
The Master of Seacliff by Max Pierce


This was written in the Gothic style and it does remind one of [b:Jane Eyre|10210|Jane Eyre|Charlotte Brontë|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1327867269s/10210.jpg|2977639], but everything that works marvelously well in that book just couldn't be recreated in The Master of Seacliffe. The atmosphere doesn't quite work, but the mystery side of it was quite entertaining; it isn't a story to give goosebumps, but it will make the reader want to know exactly what is going on. As for the love story, Duncan Stewart is no Rochester; plus, the chemistry is almost zero between the two guys that fall in love... Still it is worth the reading for what it tried to achieved and for what it is: a light and simple read.