A review by airclay3
Caesar's Last Breath: Decoding the Secrets of the Air Around Us by Sam Kean


Scientifically, this book is 5 stars! I learned so much and I love the way the science was explained, especially because it felt accessible even to me who isn’t a chemist or physicist and yet has a science background!

Personally, as a woman in science and engineering, this book was 2 stars. The only time women were mentioned was as wives (and the fact that I can’t remember any particular examples really demonstrates no scientific principle discussed in this book was told from the woman inventor/ discoverer/ scientist. I didn’t notice the gender gap as much when I was younger. It’s mainly been since starting grad school that I have started to feel more annoyed and upset about it, and this book has really set me off, much like the American Chemical Society “Chemists with Disabilities” posters hanging at my university which only portray men.

I think there were a lot of commas missing.