A review by elliemaiblogs
The Dark Matter of Natasha by Matthew R. Davis


There is nothing about The Dark Matter of Natasha that I didn’t enjoy, I was captivated entirely from the first page and I just sat there until I’d finished. It’s not a long book and as much I would like to say it’s short & sweet, it’s very much a long way from that. It’s an incredibly powerful coming-of-age story full of emotion, trauma and just overall darkness. Despite this being such a bleak story, it will still completely grip you until the end.

The story starts off with our un-named 17 year old, a horny teenage guy going through life, trying to get his girlfriend to speak to him after she starts to ignore him. When he meets Natasha, the mysterious girl with a haunting past, he becomes fascinated by her, this is where the story starts to take a darker more intriguing turn. Not knowing what he wants to do with his life, he takes a page out of her book and he starts hanging out with Natasha smoking weed and having sex to see if he can find the appeal of this life. The more he hangs out with her, the more he learns about her heart wrenching life and also how other’s trauma can affect you. Even writing this review now, my heart is heavy and all I can think about is the trauma that these characters go through.

Overall, The Dark Matter of Natasha is a story that will simply stay with you days after reading. I love a good dark, psychological thriller and this is no exception. It can be quite a heavy read at times and a lot to take in but I love it when a book can really make you feel all the raw emotion coming from the characters. I just really love a good dark, thought provoking story, what can I say. This is one you will definitely have to read for yourself to get the full impact!

Rating: 5/5