A review by lilyantan
Fire Me Up by Katie MacAlister


I want to KILL Drake. What a horrible choice for a PnR hero. I don't know if MacAlister expects her audience to find his behaviour acceptable or if she wants us to hate him. I don't understand, he's a complete asshole, talk about emotional abuse. Bleh. On to the Review:

The Good News:

- Hilarious and out of this world scenes as usual! What with Rene appearing in Budapest as a sub for his sick cab driver cousin! Or the incubi wanting to work at Macdonalds! MacAlister thinks up some pretty funny stuff, highly entertaining.

- Jim. Jim is deffinitely the funniest, and cutest, sidekick ever.

- As always, a fast and light read doesn't require too much thinking and is a perfect pool read.

- The delightful cast of supernatural beings, especially the proffesional... virgin. Yes, virgin!

The Bad News:

- DRAKE. No I'm not going to let this go. At some point in the book I had had enough of his extremely bad attitude and decided to quit the series, but I love Jim too much to abandon him.

- Drake & Aisling's relationship. Sex. That's it. I think if I add up the dialogue they have had in both books, minus all the sex talk, I would end up with one page. What the hell do they like about each other?! He's an uptight chauvinistic bastard that steps all over here, and she's an idiot that keeps ruining his relationship with the dragons. This is the most unrealistic relationship that I have ever come across in any PnR novel. It's ridiculous!

- Aisling's idiocy. Noone can be this dumb. I refuse to believe.


This book had it's ups (Jim and humorosity) and downs (Drake ans pointless lust relationship), sure I thought about quitting many times. However, at the end MacAlister saved her characters and I found a reason to continue. I have a feeling I will regret it. :P. Off to the next book!