A review by chronicledbycait
Boiling Point by Tessa Bailey


Boiling Point

"You have no idea what I'd do to become even slightly worthy of you, Polly. Even if every failed attempt shaved five years off my life, I'd jump in headfirst every time."

Tessa Bailey is one of those authors that I have an auto-buy {meaning I will buy her books, no questions asked, every, single, time} and let me tell you: she never lets me down!

This book is the third book in the Crossing the Line series and while it can be read as a stand-alone I definitely recommend reading the first two before reading this one. They will help provide you with a better understanding of the other characters and relationships.

Not quite a four star read for me mainly because I struggled connecting to Austin and Polly as well as the main plot, but the story itself was cute, fast-paced and spicyyyyyyyy. I think most people that enjoy Tessa's books will enjoy this one! Definitely worth the read!