A review by kathrynamonett
A Bad Boy Can Be Good for a Girl by Tanya Lee Stone


I read this because it was number 6 on the American Library Association's Top Ten list of Banned Books for 2013. And I must say I enjoyed it.
The reasons for it being contested were: Drugs/alcohol/smoking, nudity, offensive language, sexually explicit.
This is a book (in verse!) abut high school…
Get real people. Wouldn't you rather have your daughters learn about these things through the safety of books rather than painful first-hand experience?
Books are how we learn, not just from text books but fiction too. Especially fiction.

Pity about the title, though...

I can see this could very quickly and easily turn into a rant, so I'll save it for a blog post.

Yes, middle school/highschool girls should read this. (It also makes me regret not having read Judy Blume's Forever. It'll have to go on the to-read list, too.)