A review by atirandomness
The Memory of You by Jamie Beck


Simultaneously too much and nothing at all going on in this story. The author threw all these issues (trauma, rape, cancer etc) and obstacles (betrayal, heartbreak, adultery etc) on the table and then did nothing with them. She just used them as props but there was very little plot otherwise to give them substance.
Serious issues were all sort of glossed over, particularly the heroine’s assault/trauma. If you’re not willing to give serious issues the time and consideration they deserve, don’t use them in your books. It shouldn’t be a cheap plot device to manipulate readers. I also hate the “strong” stupid heroine trope. The heroine was having some sort of blackouts but wouldn’t seek professional help of any kind because she “didn’t want to be a victim”. *eyeroll* It was all dumb and forced. I got bored, disliked almost every character in the book and started to feel manipulated which is always my cue to bounce. ✌