A review by multicoloredbookreviews
Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Rating: 3,5 stars

Wait a minute. That's it? That's how the book ends? Seriously? It was just starting to get good! Not fair!
What to say about Origin? hmmm... Well, after that horrible, terrible ending in Opal I had really high expectations for this book (like really, really, reaaaally high). Can't honestly say they were met. I understand that Katy and Daemon's relationship has become more serious, and whatnot, but I miss the snippy comebacks, the witty arguments. I liked them more when they hated each-other, they were so much more fun! It was nice seeing them being all cuddly and lovey-dovey, but that's not really how Daemon and Katy should be.
We learn more about what Luc really is (so cool), and Archer is introduced to the Lux saga.
I can't say it was one of my favorite books, they were either fighting or escaping all throughout the story.
The ending was kind of promising though. So the final book could be either absolutely amazing or the worst ever. HERE'S TO HOPING FOR OPTION NUMBER 1!!