A review by kirstyreadsandcreates
Dead-End Road by Richard Kunzmann


I got this book through the Goodreads First-Reads program.

This book was interesting. I've read many thrillers, but none of them have been based in South Africa. The book is a number of stories rolled into one surrounding the Serious and Violent Crimes unit of the South African police service. The unit are investigating a murder when they receive information about a 'protection' group. The turn their attentions to this group, but then a bomb is detonated in Johannesburg. We then follows the stories and the links between them unfold throughout the book. I also learned a few things about South Africa whilst reading this book - a bonus!

The book is pretty action packed, but not all the way through. I found that it took me a while to get into it and the beginning was a little slower than I'm used to in a thriller. I'm glad I stuck with it though, as the latter part makes up for the slowness of the initial third of the book. The plot develops really well and the characterisation gives the book depth. We really get to know the main characters; and the supporting cast is nicely built too.

I would say that this is more crime than thriller. There isn't the suspense that is present in other thrillers; however this isn't a bad thing. The author clearly knows his subject and it shows in his writing. This was an interesting read and I'd recommend it to fans of both the crime and thriller genres.