A review by caroleen
The Intern by Gregg Hurwitz


I'm a HUGE fan of the Orphan X series but of the three short stories, two have left me feeling blah.

This short story was not at all up to the series' standard. I was excited about the huge page count . . . too bad 2/3rds-ish of the pages are a preview of the next book. (I didn't read, because I know that'd be torture. Preordered and ready for its release.)

The writing in "The Intern" isn't strong, even mechanically speaking. I couldn't help but wonder if the story either wasn't edited or was forced out when it was way past deadline and Hurwitz wasn't feeling it . . . at all.

It's a story with an unlikeable, flat character acting as the (wannabe) journalist and the unfortunate teenage girl who is interning with him. It's rife with ugly, unsatisfying violence and no plot movement. And seriously, is Ethan just hanging out around sites of past fights waiting to save someone new? That part made no sense to me. He should be too smart to revisit the old scenes of his "crimes."

I'd recommend skipping this one and waiting for the next novel instead.