A review by caylieratzlaff
The Immortal Boy, by Francisco Montaña Ibañez


DNF at 60% - received a physical ARC from the publisher from attending NCTE.

I tried...really hard to like this book. I love that it has the Spanish (original version) included and the diverse characters...but I could not get into the book. At all. There were no indications of the POV shifting. No background building. No character building.

I normally do not DNF books, but I did this one. I don't know if it was a translation mishap or what, but to echo another reviewer: "I'm not sure if it was trouble with following the switching perspectives or something that got lost in translation, but something about the narration that I still can't quite put my finger on made it really hard to connect to or even fully follow the narrative."

I think the book has merit, but I simply could not get into it to truly appreciate the complexities of human life it apparently presents.