A review by motherhorror
Broken Shells by Michael Patrick Hicks


First, I'd like to thank Michael Hicks for this signed copy of Broken Shells in exchange for an honest review.
Holy Moses-this is some fresh hell.
This story has one of the best horror set ups I have ever read. Several pages in, I was saying to myself, "This is not going to go well." and by that I mean, not too well for the protagonist Antoine DeWitt but plenty well for a reader of dark things like myself.
I pressed on with relish. (not that I want to be thinking about food or eating after reading this gore-fest!!) *not for the faint of heart or the weak stomach
Hicks has designed the perfect nightmare--I won't spoil the surprise (and there are lots of surprises!) I was reading the middle portion of this book with my mouth open and my eyes bugging out of my head. Literally terrifying!! I could see this story becoming a blockbuster movie right now! (I wouldn't go watch it though because I'd be scared out of my mind to see on screen what I just saw in my mind.
In terms of Hicks' writing ability, there were so many times where he chose the perfect words, the best analogy, the choicest description--I was blown away by what he managed to accomplish in just a few pages. DeWitt, the main character, is an instant hero. I was drawn to him and invested in him immediately and because of that fact, this book was dangerous--risky--I wanted to read it between my fingers-only half wanting to find out what happened and the other half wanted to turn and run.
But because this book was so compelling, I sprinted towards the ending. Well done, Micheal Hicks! This just cemented you as a new favorite horror writer!
All the applause for this crazy ride! Buy! Buy! Buy this book!! (if you like scary gross stuff. If not, go read poo poo baby books)