A review by lmrivas54
Nobody's Damsel by E.M. Tippetts


I loved this book, as much as I loved the first one, Someone Else's Fairytale. In this one Chloe and Jason have been married about a year, but have spent a lot of time apart, due to her Masters studies and his film making. Paparazzi and gossip magazines are accosting Chloe and hinting at marital problems. Chloe is bothered but decides to keep an open mind, which is proof of how intelligent she is. I loved how Jason enforces his devotion to Chloe each time they meet, he's very much a man in love with his wife, but he has career issues too. The presence of a previous girlfriend brings some tension but Chloe manages it with a lot of dignity and intelligence. Her involvement with her work is brilliant, it brings everything together in a very spectacular way, and even solves Jason's seft doubts.