A review by christygsp
Stratagem by Robin Caroll


This book had so much promise, with such a great idea/hook, but it just didn’t follow through. 

It ignored show don’t tell completely, it doubled up on scenes - our main character would find out information on the murder, the ONE scene later the police would find the SAME information - and tried to convey research and information, but instead came across as shallow information or just I researched in general. 

It reads like someone who hasn’t read many (if any) well written police procedural books, and the cops were either unrealistically clever, or so biased that I wanted to scream. Most cops don’t let personal bias affect them to this extent! 

Everyone in this book, had their “guts tighten” all the time. Words like “privilege” are thrown out and woman are Instantly believed as victims just because they w ere cheated on??? Nope. 

Very serious issues were thrown in there regarding divorce, infidelity and abortion - just a content warning. 

For me, this book was not well written, not well researched, and in general not a nice reading experience. 

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